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Nice to meet you, my name is Iana Avramova

Why choose me

I am authentic, honest, and loyal. You, an individual or an organisation, can count on me when I start something - I will bring it to an end. 

I teach at the University Theory of Games. With a strong affinity for applied psychology, I graduated as a Life and Executive Coach of Transformation Design, and I am a certified Facilitator of Business Constellations.

Before that, I have 10+ years of managerial experience with multidisciplinary teams in Bulgaria and the Netherlands.


Author of the European award-winner for innovation Transformika Coaching Cards – a powerful tool for personal & professional growth.

Currently, I am involved in the Startup scene and Social Innovations sphere. I work on projects that I consider to have a positive impact and long-lasting change on the individual or the society.

Behalf my corporate experience, I also am involved as a Founder of 2 Startups, a Company registered in 2004, and as a Co-Founder and Board Member at two NGOs. I love seeing ideas come to life, especially, when they have a positive impact on our lives.

Member of the International Institute for Coaching and Mentoring (IICM). Graduated with honors as a Life and Executive Coaching at Noble Manhattan, UK. Studied International Marketing Management and Communication and Multimedia Design in the Netherlands.

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My passion

My passion is to create meaningful products, services, and projects that add value to the lives of people around me by enhancing their potential and empowering their creativity. I am a raving fan of innovative tools. I love developing and co-creating such tools, programs & instruments that can have a positive impact on society as a whole.

My story

My journey started at the age of 18 when I was admitted into a University in the Netherlands, and I left Bulgaria for 9 years. Traveling, studying, working, and even getting married.

Experience that taught me to survive, develop my intuition and skills, learn who I am, and meet people who would have a long-lasting imprint on my life. Turbulent, crazy times, with a pick as a Board Member of one of the largest media in Bulgaria.


A path that went through a complete transformation about 8 years ago. I stepped into my power and pursued a career in innovation, education, and personal development.

We can help you with...


Do you have an idea but do not know what steps to take to bring it to life? Do you have the know-how that you wish to present in a playful format? You are in the right place, and I am happy to help.


My passion, mission, and current occupation is to create innovative, ready-to-use tools for personal, professional, and educational growth for adults and children.


I specialise in one-to-one coaching, developing coaching and educational workshops, business constellations, entrepreneurs, and start-up mentoring.


Are you looking for a partner or a subcontractor on your Erasmus+ or other projects? I am open and interested in bringing my expertise and experience to meaningful projects.

My experience shows that sustainable change can be achieved through co-creation and cooperation with others. I work with many people, ​with whom I am deeply grateful for the knowledge and know-how sharing. But the three people beneath are not only colleagues but also have they become close friends and my true inspiration. Highly skilled, emphatic, human-centered, and a little crazy :)


Lachezar Afrikanov
PhD. Academic Lecturer 

Dr. Afrikanov teaches in the field of Educational Leadership and related areas such as Strategic and Organizational Management, Coaching, Design Thinking, Competence Approach in Education, Management of European Projects, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation in Education.


In his academic work, he brings good practices and models from his many years of work as an expert in international educational projects and programs. Coordinator of professional development programs for teams and organizations.


He is actively involved in various causes and is a member of non-governmental organizations supporting the development of the educational system and social innovations in Bulgaria aiming at creating a positive impact for future generations.


Valeria Dilova

Master of Psychology and Bulgarian Philology and 45+ years of therapeutical experience, Valeria continued her specialization at the College of Southern Idaho and then at the Milton Erickson Foundation in Arizona, USA, where she obtained her certification in Hypnotherapy and Family Therapy. 

Valeria is a valued member of the Bulgarian Society of Analytical Psychology and she is a Certified Jungian Oriented Psychotherapist. In her work, he uses various practices and approaches, including psychoanalysis, clinical hypnosis, dreamwork, and others.

"My passion is combining traditional psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with dream interpretation, working with an active imagination, mandala drawing, clinical hypnosis, diagnostic tests, and archetypes. I believe that each person is unique and a different combination of techniques will work for each one."

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Rada Peneva

After graduating from the Bulgarian National Academy of Arts, Radostina has already 30+ years of experience in Graphic Design and Illustration. She is one of the first Illustrators, working for the Bulgarian Studio of the 20th Century Fox Film Corporation. She is experienced in the Advertising Industry and most recently in the illustrating of children's books.


Two of the books that she has illustrated have qualified in 7th place for 2015, which for the Bulgarian market is a great success. Radostina is extremely creative and imaginative and her drawings feel like they are alive.

"My passion since my childhood has been drawing. It is what makes me happy, comforts me, and gives me purpose. All that matters to me is that the characters and images that I create can inspire others."

Learn-to-inspire Stories


I do not believe in competition. I do believe in leverage and cooperation. Only by joining efforts with like-minded people, a long-lasting positive change can be achieved. In the end, not all Clients will choose me, or I will be able to serve them all. My philosophy is to join efforts with those whose mission is to bring positive change to the people and society. By sharing knowledge, information, and know-how, we all can grow and become stronger and better in what we do.

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