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Powerful insights for

personal & professional


I have a deep appreciation for the classical coaching process, which relies on asking targeted sequences of potent questions to empower clients in navigating challenges, reaching goals, and nurturing their brightest ideas.

However, as a versatile generalist, embodying the spirit of a Gemini, and a fervent explorer by nature, I found myself compelled to evolve beyond the confines of traditional coaching. Through years of dedicated immersion in personal and professional development, I've forged my unique coaching style, one that resonates authentically with my clients and enables them to unlock their full potential.


Some examples of the spheres I get my inspiration and methods are:

  • Classical Coaching

  • Business constellations

  • Creative Leadership

  • Career orientation

  • Storytelling

  • Associative images

  • Archetypes

  • NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

  • Design Thinking

  • Game design theories

  • Simple craft techniques

  • Meditations and Mindfulness

  • Shamanism

  • Symbols

  • Esoteric theories

  • Games, board-games, cards


Coaching practice I always describe as a funnel. An individual or a business Client comes with a specific topic to me. To it are tidying up thoughts, facts, information, fears, beliefs, and expectations. Maybe it is not just one topic but two or more topics that are woven into one. In my work as a Coach, I see myself as a detective helping the Client filter important from unimportant, objective from subjective, and assumptions from reality.

With the support of different methodologies, we start putting the puzzle together. We work on different aspects of the topic, following the flow and what emerges during the process. There is no scenario, anything that comes up should not be left unresolved or at least acknowledged.

It is how the Coaching funnel works - pouring everything in at the beginning, building clarification, and sifting through the information. Then we use a variety of approaches and methods to find possible solutions and ideas. In the end, we come up with a realistic, agreed, inspiring action plan, and most importantly, we come up with a first action step towards the desired change. The one action step that helps us grind the coffee beans and make lovely coffee :)

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I do not believe in competition. I do believe in leverage and cooperation. Only by joining efforts with like-minded people, a long-lasting positive change can be achieved. In the end, not all Clients will choose me, or I will be able to serve them all. My philosophy is to join efforts with those whose mission is to bring positive change to the people and society. By sharing knowledge, information, and know-how, we all can grow and become stronger and better in what we do.

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