Powerful insights for
personal & professional
Why do we need tools?
We live in a very busy, noisy, and dynamic reality. It is not bad, but there are challenges related to it: a scarcity of time and huge expectations for the fast acquisition of new skills and know-how.
There are many Continuing Professional Development or Leisure courses. However, most of them are created as is the Traditional Education System - you first learn and then practice. That is ok if you have the time. But more and more the focus is on doing rather than reading. It is where tools come in handy - tools allow you to find the necessary practical information immediately and to be able to try it out. Hands-on approach.
Here is one example with photography: you want to take a picture of a full moon with your semi-professional camera. Generally, you will need to study the history and theory of photography and how the camera works (shutter speed and aperture). And then, eventually, you will have all the information in your head, and you will have to pull out the most suitable to photograph the full moon. Now, imagine in your hands a set of cards (A5 size) with different techniques for taking pictures in different setups. You browse them and find the one explaining how to take a picture of a full moon. You can immediately jump to action. It will allow you to develop skills and check if photography is for you. The result may spark your curiosity then you may decide to study the history and theory of photography.

What are tools?
Tools I call anything that:
It is easy to use - it does not require initial preparation or knowledge and can be easily used by almost anybody;
It is ready to use - it shows you how to do something;
It is fun to use;
it serves the purpose of acquiring new skills and know-how.
Since I was a kid, I love creating games. From paper, stones, shoe boxes, leaves, or anything I could get my hands on. At the age of 11 years, I won my first prize for developing
a board game.
Although I spent many years pursuing a managerial career, I have never stopped believing in magic, miracles, and the extraordinary. It took me a while to realize that I should not take myself too seriously. Only then I could reconnect to my inner child and use all its powers. It has been more than 10 years since I have not stopped rediscovering my curiosity, creativity, and inner powers.
I know that to many people, I may look childish and naive in many ways. But exactly that is what helps me to empower my creative potential and turn it into innovative tools for adults and children.

Tools and play are fundamentally important for learning 21st-century skills, such as problem-solving, collaboration, and creativity.
As kids learn by playing, adults can too. Tools and games create a safe space for experimenting, taking risks, and failing without consequences.
It is a fun, hands-on approach towards achieving serious results.
Tools & Products developed
Transformika Coaching Cards won 2 European Innovation Awards and has already been translated into 3 languages. Find more about it HERE
52 Inspirational Cards in two languages, focused on improving the cooperation between the left and right hemispheres of our brain. Find more about it HERE
Pictus - a set of 36 metaphorical cards for developing creativity and improving the connection with our unconscious mind. Find more about it HERE
PlayCraft - an application teaching kids (3-5 years old) basic Emotional Intelligence through play. Find more about it HERE
Monety - tools and programs training kids on Financial Literacy through play (currently I have a 3:1 tool developed for 7-10 years old). Find more about it HERE
Design Your Life - 14 days of online training (only in Bulgarian at the moment) in discovering and empowering your best version yet. Find more about it HERE
The above are tools and games that I have developed by myself. I am also part of many projects, where one of the tangible outcomes is a tool. Click HERE to see them too.